


  • It is an excellent source of protein intake
  • Causes a feeling of satiety & helps control weight
  • Regulates hormones that control appetite
  • Protects brain health
  • Reduces stress
  • The intake of Ω3 fatty acids helps:
  1. In reducing inflammation and blood pressure
  2. In reducing the risk of cancer
  • It is an excellent source of B vitamins. B vitamins contribute to:
  1. In the creation and repair of DNA
  2. In reducing inflammations that can lead to heart disease
  • Contains Selenium. A metal found in the soil and in some foods that helps in protecting bone health
  • Contains the antioxidant astaxanthin:
  1. Reduces the risk of heart disease by lowering bad cholesterol (LDL) and increasing the good (HDL)
  2. Helps prevent skin damage